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Simon Rooksby - Devon on Ashburton, 1971

For some time the Outward Bound moto has been buzzing in my head. To Serve, to Strive and not to Yield. Quite often it's after an event, that you are able to fully appreciate life experiences. For which my Outward Bound experience has provided good service for many decades. I have yet to find the reason that I was nominated and chosen to attend an Outward Bound course. Attending Forest Hill Comprehensive school in South East London then, a school of 1000 boys. There was no explanation provided to attend at interview at County Hall in London. Likewise for the group of teenagers from schools across London that were ultimately selected, again for whatever. We had no idea of what lay ahead.
Our introduction began with money and other items taken away. Then adjusting to a new regime. It was winter time. Up early, cross country run and then breaking the ice on the outdoor swimming pool before breakfast. But what an adventure and opportunity no matter how harsh it may sound.
An opportunity to discover strengths and weakness. Plus the all important matter of building relationships, team building and so forth. The program teaches you so much, which is valuable for later life. Strengths & weaknesses. Which certainly was the case for me. Why me, I still have no clue. But so grateful for an opportunity which has aided me through life, at work, home and the last 20 years working and aiding in overseas countries. Often in very difficult circumstances. So thank you to the Outward Bound Trust and also Forest Hill School for sending me, into the unkown.
Our introduction began with money and other items taken away. Then adjusting to a new regime. It was winter time. Up early, cross country run and then breaking the ice on the outdoor swimming pool before breakfast. But what an adventure and opportunity no matter how harsh it may sound.
An opportunity to discover strengths and weakness. Plus the all important matter of building relationships, team building and so forth. The program teaches you so much, which is valuable for later life. Strengths & weaknesses. Which certainly was the case for me. Why me, I still have no clue. But so grateful for an opportunity which has aided me through life, at work, home and the last 20 years working and aiding in overseas countries. Often in very difficult circumstances. So thank you to the Outward Bound Trust and also Forest Hill School for sending me, into the unkown.