🚧 Steven Price
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Steven Price - Eskdale, The Lake District, 1979

Scott Patrol E283
In the picture is Scott Patrol E 283 these are who I think they are forgive me email me and I will correct it
Back row L to R Steve Atkinson, Maurice Collins, John Fahy, ?, Pat Harding, Tony Logan, Jonny Lynas
Front Row L to R Steve Price (ME), ? David Smallshaw, Paul Smith, Brian Spence and Instructor Graeme.

two others are Martin Cullinan and Roman Ren? ?

I kept a very detailed journal and 41 years on I am amazed to see the detail and how I have changed. The abiding memory is of character formation and wonderful Lake district. It was 'white out' conditions a lot of the time we were there so we were excused lake swims and even had shorter expeditions. I remember walking on deep snow and camping in Eskdale valley on snow, which made it look like a lunar landscape. One group lit a fire in their tent! and the whole lot went up in smoke so then we had to sleep four to a tent designed for three. I will read the journals and return with more maybe at a later stage

I also have a picture of the whole course E283