🚧 Stuart Davidson
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Stuart Davidson - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1962

Hi.I was privelaged to have gone thro the Moray Sea School in mid 1962 I think, I was sponsered by the then Glasgow Education System & I dont think I paid anything to go to the school; for the month I was there. I was 14 years of age turning 15, after going thro' the school [I think I was in Nelson Watch] I started work in the August of 1962.till 1968. for a company in Glasgow which was in the structrual engineering feild.
I served my apprenticeship as a structural engineering draughtsman, I obtained a quaification of a H.N. Dimloma in Struct..Engineering,
The company then Liquidated at the end of 1968, I think I may have been the last draughtsman to qualify in the company. I then worked in the construction industry for various Glasgow Companies for the next 2 years, & in November 1970 I emigrated to South Africa were I have stayed & worked here for the last 45 years [nearly] and I still work to-day.
I have a family of 3 children (2 Boys & 1 Girl } who were born grew up in South Africa & were educated here, and all of them have achieved well at school, & now are very suceesfull in their chosen professions, My eldest son left S.A. about 12 years ago to seek his fortune in first the USA, then the UK & he now resides on the Gold Coast in Austrailia, where he has lived for about 10 years,and is happy & reasonably successfull there, My other 2 Children still reside and work in Johannesburg and are both suceesfull in their own fields of choice, & as a father I could be no more prouder of them as I am to-day.
We all have had the pleasure & privilidge to travel far & wide in the world over the years we have lived here, I have been back to the UK on many occasions over years [as my mum was English & my dad was Scots], & to Scotland the home of my birth [ as I am a VERY PROUD EX PAT SCOTSMAN] but I have never re-visted the sea school which I have never forgotten and are greatfull for what I learned their, [ Maybe not at the time] but hind site is wonderful thing.
I have many other points to share about my long life, but may be the next time.nextime.
Any how Thank You for allowing me to indulge myself in my past. I would also like to hear from any one else who went to the sea school around the same time as I did maybe I wiil remember them ????

I wish you all well & thank you again for allowing me share my experiences. .

Stuart Davidson.