🚧 Teresa Crichton (Salvage)
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Teresa Crichton (Salvage) - Rhowniar, Wales, 1980

I remember it well and have some old pics somewhere including my little metal badge. I liked the ropes and but really enjoyed night ropes where we went into the woods at night and had to follow the line back to base. I made some lovely friends whilst I was there and remember the walking up Cader Idris well, we got to the top and couldn't see anything it was so misty but coming down well what fun that was, down in 60 via the scree slope fab! I remember us all eating up our rations when we went camping and having to scrounge from others when we ran out of food. We went on a zip wire between the masts of two boats in a harbour but I can't remember where that was. Making the raft that subsequently fell to bits in the sea will be ingrained in my head forever, the freezing cold water gradually seeping through all the layers and the wet suit not quite doing its job.