🚧 Teresa Mulligan
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Teresa Mulligan - Eskdale, The Lake District, 2000

I attended as part of a school group. There were only 7 or 8 of us with our PE teacher Mr Balls. I remember it was at the end of May and I think my school had to tell a fib and say I was already 14 when the truth was, I wouldn't turn 14 for another 4 weeks. I was so glad they did! From the time we arrived until the time we left, we rarely had a minute to ourselves so action-packed was our week! From the first morning and proving we were adequate swimmers in the tarn, until our 2nd last night when we camped out and climbed Scafell the next morning, we didn't stop. The climb was quite a test for me, but the platform drop was my worst moment and I know I certainly couldn't do that now! I particulary remember Graeme, one of the leaders, but everyone was so nice to us all. On the last night I phoned home and cried. My parents thought it was because I was homesick but the truth was, I didn't want to leave! A week that has never left me and I still have my certificate.