🚧 Terry Bliss
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Terry Bliss - Aberdovey, Wales, 1955

Course 163 October/November 1956 Aberdovey. Hawke Watch.

Hi, I see from your newsletter that you like to hear about the exploits of previous course members, so I thought that you might be interested in this extract from my Log Book! I apologise in advance for any discrepancies in the Grammar, so here it is warts and all!

Thursday 25th October

Revielle o6.30am, breakfast, parade as usual, got all my kit packed for the “Golden Valley”, went down to the wharf, only to be told that the vessel could not come in owing to rough water on the bar. So went out in a cutter with Mr. Robertson. After lunch we were told that the vessel was at Pwllheli, and that a coach would be taking us overland to her and then bringing “Drake Watch” back, promptly at 16.00hrs the coach arrived and we all piled in, the journey took 2.1/2hrs. Through some of the loveliest country I have ever seen. Arrived at 17.30hrs. Got aboard had a meal and went to sleep.

Friday 26th.

Up at 06.00hrs.this morning had breakfast. Got vessel under way at 10.00hrs. On course for Barmouth (under sail) arrived there at 13.00hrs. after having Dolphins playing under the bows(they were probably Porpoises). Then tied up planning to set sail at 24.00hrs. As soon as the tide was high enough we set off, and after an uneventful journey arrived at Aberystwyth at 03.00hrs on Saturday morning(the 27th) but couldn’t berth owing to the tide being too low, so we went to a bay, but owing to rock bottom couldn’t get a hold with anchor, finally dropped anchor just outside the Bar of the Dovey at 05.30am.and went to bed. Got up about 08.00hrs and proceeded to clean ship. Up anchor at 12.30hrs. and arrived at the Wharf at about 13.00hrs. Tied up and all hands sat down for dinner, after dinner set of for school, and went “Ashore” for the evening, Towyn with “Lofty” from “St.Vincent Watch”, went to have a look at the “Talyllyn Railway” and had an enjoyable chat with some of the enthusiasts who were working on the rolling stock. Arrived back 22.30hrs.

I hope that you find this interesting. We had a fair amount of discipline during the month’s course, smoking and alcohol were not allowed, and if caught, you were immediately sent home. Is this the same now? I found the course at the time very challenging and on occasions tiring, but on reflection, I would not have missed the experience, and look back on it as one of the memorable times in my life!

Best Regards Trevor Bliss.