🚧 Terry Law
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Terry Law - Moray Sea School, Burghead Scotland, 1963

I worked for the Midlands Electricity Board in Birmingham who sent me on the course. Started weighing 12.5 stone, finished 14.5 stone, extra muscle. Loved the 3 ton cutters and the wonderful Prince Louis, Murder Ball in the sand dunes and the intense physical activity. Fell asleep listening to Dr Kurt Hahn from Gordonstoun. Overnight on Iona with Princ Louis anchored in the bay was unforgettable. But the most sensational aspect of my course was not discovered until many years later. Commander Victor Clarke of the Prince Louis was a taciturn disciplinarian but when I read his obituary in the Daily Telegraph I realised that I had been in the presence of an exceptional war hero whose bravery in the Second World War almost defies belief. He deserves special mention on this site and indeed his exploits should be more widely recognised. Google search will confirm all this. Typical of his type, he never gave any hint of his spectacular war record, I only wish I’d known at the time.. the course was wonderful.