🚧 Terry White
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Terry White - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1965

At 19, whilst serving an apprenticeship at ICT, I was chosen with three other boys ,to attend a month's course at Ullswater, during which we also completed The Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.The most challenging experience you could have. There were other boys and we were placed into teams, had an introductory talk, and were shown to our team's dormitory consisting of six pairs of bunk beds.
I'am not an early riser, so to arise at 6am was difficult to begin with, our kit, beds and dormitory were inspected and marked, then the run down to the lake for the morning "cold" dip - all before breakfast "How was I going to survive"! After breakfast the activities for the day commenced scheduled to a timetable, consisting of map and compass reading, circuit training,team events,canoe building and canoeing and rock climbing, of which the most challenging was the wall and beam team event. Two or three day expeditions were organised over the Fells and Crags of which I was leader.

After the activities, the equipment was stored away.To the dormitory for a shower and a change of clothes and then down to the canteen for the evening meal, by golly were'nt we hungry!

Our dormitory was on the top floor,so twice a week we had a mock fire escape practice.On the wall outside the window there are rings which are still visible today,the rope was passed through and we abseiled down.

Every morning we had a parade in the square,raising and lowering the flag.Today it has been replaced with a small monument.

During the month,the weather was unkind, much rain and mist, and the expeditions were certainly endurance testing making the teaching of compass skills very important.

After meals, each team took turns to wash up and clean.When all the chores were done we all made our way to the lounge to relax, and reflected back on the day discussing points with the others. Smokers had to sign a declaration before the course not to smoke, and sign on completion that they hadn't otherwise no badge would be awarded.

On reflection,the month went relatively quick. Never bored, plenty to do, very rewarding learning new skills and an excellent character building process.

The last day arrived. We learnt that Shackleton team won the best turned out dormitory, also won the Whitely Shield(winning the team events) the team then signed the Honours Book.

The badges were handed out in team's rotation, and then the big send off and goodbye.
My family and I returned to visit in September 2011 and were made very welcome by the staff especially by Steve Farthing. We were all shown around and noted many changes especially "En -suite dormitories".