🚧 Blog Archive

Our latest news and blogs

Here you'll find all our latest news, views and happenings from around The Outward Bound Trust.

WOLC Travelling to Equality
Travelling to equality

14 November 19

The journey to a Women's Outdoor Leadership Course

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EBD Loch Eil Winter Canoe sunset 520x520
The joys of winter

1 November 19

Nick Rhys Senior Instructor at Outward Bound tells us why winter is so powerful.

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Write your CV in the wild

23 October 19

Top tips for UCAS personal statement, college and apprenticeship applications

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How can you teach resilience?

18 October 19

We explain exactly which behaviours lead to increased resilience

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520x520 water from stream
Connecting young people to nature

26 September 19

Connecting to nature can help promote young people's health and wellbeing.

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Supporting young people’s wellbeing in t...

16 September 19

Top tips for mentally healthy workplaces for your early careers talent

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EBD Wester Hailes Education Centre group blog 520x520
Wester Hailes: Education outside the box

6 September 19

How the outdoors can improve pupils’ confidence, mental health and learning

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Social prescribing: do we really need th...

4 September 19

Social prescribing - what is it and how does it work?

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EBD In School 520x520 V2
Education for Wellbeing: Innovating scho...

4 September 19

School are trialing approaches to supporting young people’s mental health.

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