Meet Richard, Kelly and Justin
As well as motivating me, it told me to live in the moment, you’ve got to get stuff done, you can’t procrastinate.

Richard, Kelly and Justin are in Years 10 and 11, and reflect back on how their Raising Aspirations course has helped them find motivation and be more proactive when it comes to getting things done. They explain how changing the way they approach school and their studies has made them more aware of their capabilities and opportunities that are available to them.
Justin remembers how he struggled with the Jetty Jump on the course and how his struggles completing that challenge have influenced his desire to work through challenges, improve his grades and get involved with new things at school.
"I learnt to challenge myself and push myself on with more things, like the jetty jump or the high challenges – I really struggled with that, but I was so proud of myself that I did it afterwards. That’s made me want to push myself at school with my grades and with other things like D of E - it’s made me want to achieve more things."
Before her course, Kelly used to struggle with getting things done. Her Outward Bound experience helped her realise how much she can achieve if she’s more proactive and efficient in getting things done.
"I learned to not put things to the back of the pile, when you need to be on top of your work. That’s what the trip did. As well as motivating me, it told me to live in the moment, you’ve got to get stuff done, you can’t procrastinate. I used to be a big procrastinator, but now I just write a list and just complete it straight away."
Richard has also taken his proactive mindset back to school with him. He now realises the hard work required in order to reach his goals. He has a more proactive approach to homework and revision and he now takes new pride and care in the work he produces. These small changes have seen his efforts pay off in his grades as a result.
"I’m just doing a lot more hard work, working harder to get the grades I need - the grades I want to do well in life. I’m not just doing things because I need to do them, I’m making sure I’m doing things well – doing it to the best of my ability. You’ve got to work hard to get what you want in life, that’s what I was taught and what I got the feeling of on the course. My grades have gone up, I get on with work as soon as I get home, I used to leave it to last, now I’m actually revising."