🚧 Mental health and wellbeing

Go wild for wellbeing

What do Outward Bound know about wellbeing?

As Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 focuses on kindness, we go back to the very beginning of Outward Bound. Our approach is built on Five Pillars written by our co-founder Kurt Hahn - the fifth and (he argued) most important being 'above all, compassion'.

Supporting wellbeing - naturally

We've had the privilege to be around for nearly 80 years and as we move through the COVID-19 crisis, we know that what we do will help many more young people in the near future.

This page has free resources that we hope will be of practical use to you right now. Keep safe, keep in touch and we'll see you soon.

Free report: Mental health and resilience

This free report focuses on ways we can help young people build their resilience.

Free report: Connecting young people to nature

Mental health issues in young people are on the rise. With more of their time being spent in a virtual, technologically-advanced indoor world, is this to blame? And if so, what can be done?

Further info
Kurt Hahn: Five Pillars

At a time of unprecedented uncertainty we all need courage, kindness and compassion more than ever. Take a moment to read this inspirational philosophy from one of our founders.

Webinar: addressing the decline in pupil mental health
Support our charity: how you can help Outward Bound

We are determined that as we come out of this pandemic, financial barriers should not be a limitation to young people experiencing Outward Bound. Last year we were able to support 80% of attendees with financial assistance from our bursary fund.

You can donate at any time to help young people experience Outward Bound.

If you are a corporate organisation who would like to support our work, particularly around mental health and wellbeing read more here.

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