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young people and covid
Crisis of a generation
Young people have had their lives turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is seriously impacting all aspects of their lives - social, health, education, and employment.
The effects are concerning and the list is growing. Missing friends and peer interaction. Feeling lonely. Overthinking. Increasing insecurities. Losing motivation. Lack of fresh air. Boredom. Struggling at school. Unemployment. Fear of the unknown.
The lockdown and ongoing restrictions have heightened existing limitations for young people, imposed new ones and exacerbated inequalities. We refuse to do nothing when young people need us the most at this time of uncertainty.
We may not be able to run all of our usual residential programmes at the moment but we're continuing to do whatever it takes to provide life-changing opportunities for young people, now and in the future.
We're adapting to be there for young people.
We refuse to sit back and do nothing
Thanks to the ongoing support of our donors, we're working hard to be there for young people at this time of uncertainty.
We're helping to provide time for reflection. Help to manage stress and anxiety. Space outside. Opportunity to try new things. Focus on wellbeing. Support to evaluate priorities. Safe social interaction. Preparation for dealing with the unknown.

It's crucial we continue to work with young people during Covid-19, adapting our usual programmes to ensure we are still teaching young people the most important lesson they could ever learn: to believe in themselves.
Nick Barrett, Chief Executive of The Outward Bound TrustFREE REPORT: YOUNG PEOPLE AND COVID-19
Almost every young person has had to adjust to dramatic changes in their education or employment, routine, home and social life because of the pandemic. The outdoors can have a crucial role in their recovery, resilience and wellbeing.
Young people and parents survey
We surveyed young people and their parents to find out how the lockdown and ongoing COVID-19 restrictions are affecting young people.
Following the pandemic, young people need support right now and skills to help them navigate the future.
In-school Adventures
For schools who can't go on an overnight residential, we are bringing the power of learning and adventure to them, with funding available to those who need it most.
We are working in partnership with schools to help young people to discover adventure in their local environment.
Our instructors will develop the skills young people need to face an ever-changing world. Crucial skills like resilience, confidence and self-belief, as well as a willingness to try things.
Adventure Days
We're offering fully-funded outdoor Adventure Days for 10-17 year olds with priority for those eligible for free school meals.
Taking place at our centres in the Lake District, Scottish Highlands and North Wales during school holidays and weekends, these adventures are an opportunity for young people to focus on their mental wellbeing during this time of uncertainty.
Time for safe social interaction, to make new friends, a break from screens, and to have fun in a safe, outdoor environment.
The world of work is rapidly changing and young people still need to develop the skills and behaviours to manage and excel in the ever-changing landscape.
We're running Early Careers programmes whilst following the most up-to-date Government guidance. We've developed best practice in relation to both community living, and outdoor learning, to ensure no more than six people are together at any one time.
And for those unable to travel, we're exploring ways we can support their talent development programmes in different ways.
Outdoor education and Covid-19
Children and young people across the UK have had their lives turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Almost every young person has had to adjust to dramatic changes in their education or employment, routine, home and social life. Some have experienced bereavement or other traumatic experiences during the lockdown period, while groups who were already marginalised or disadvantaged are now likely to become more so.