🚧 Generation Green

Generation Green

Generation Green is a 16-month funded project that aims to provide over 100,000 opportunities to connect young people to nature, create and save jobs, and build an aspirant workforce for a green recovery.

Funded activities available through the project include day visits and overnight experiences in National Parks and Areas of Natural Beauty, social action and citizen science projects, self-guided learning and micro-volunteering.

Funding is specifically aimed at young people in England in the North West, Midlands and deprived coastal and urban areas.

Outward Bound are part of a coalition with YHA (England & Wales), Girlguiding, Scouts, Field Studies Council and the 10 English National Parks to provide these amazing opportunities.

Take a look at some of our funded projects below or see the official Generation Green website here.

Young leaders at Ullswater in 2021

Bring your school to Outward Bound

Outward Bound helps connect young people to nature through wild residential experiences.

Funding to support schools

It's our mission to make what we do available to as many young people as possible.

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Access Unlimited

Generation Green is the first project to be delivered by the Access Unlimited coalition. The coalition comprises YHA (England & Wales) – who are hosting the project on behalf of the partners - The Outward Bound Trust, Scouts, Girlguiding, Field Studies Council and the 10 English National Parks.

Generation Green capitalises on the combined reach of the coalition partners of more than two million young people.

How is the project funded?

Generation Green is funded by the government’s Green Recovery Challenge Fund.

The fund is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with Natural England and the Environment Agency.

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Partnership update from our CEO

"It's been great to work collaboratively on this project to deliver experiences to connect more young people with nature, and develop a more representative workforce for the green recovery. Our work with partners to develop more young leaders from a variety of ethnic backgrounds continues in 2022 and we look forward to having more female instructors from the Women's Outdoor Leadership Course join our team at Outward Bound."

Nick Barrett

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