🚧 Help young Scots

Young Scots need your help

1 in 4 children in Scotland live in poverty.

We'll just give you a moment to take that in.

One. In. Four.

And it follows, that the less financial freedom you have, the more limited your access is to developmental opportunities.

Our aim at Outward Bound in Scotland isn't specifically to tackle child poverty. But what we can do is welcome these young people on to one of our life-changing residential programmes.

By giving them a learning adventure like no other, they'll build confidence, resilience and self-belief. And begin to realise they can defy their limitations and are capable of #morethanyouthink.

To achieve this, young people need your help.

Our Scotland 2020 report

What do young people need in Scotland? Who are the young Scots who most need your help? This report asks those questions, and looks at the impact an Outward Bound programme can have.

A 10-minute training tool

We want Scotland to be the best place in the world for a child to grow up. "Introducing Children’s Rights" is a 10-minute training tool from The Scottish Government, designed to give you an understanding of children’s rights, frameworks and legislation.

Ways we support young people in Scotland

As well as working closely with schools and youth organisations, we reach young people in Scotland through these two unique projects:

Scotland's Next Generation

Young people aged 15-19 years old take part in a 19-day Skills for Life Summer Adventure in the wilderness of the Scottish Highlands. This life-changing residential course helps them to learn about themselves, about others and the world around them.

The Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award

Participants take part in a six-month programme combining a five-day Outward Bound residential with urban-based community project work. The project is empowering young people to improve the lives of others in their local area and providing them with skills to make a positive transition from school.