Your journey to Outward Bound
A simple timeline explaining what happens when, once you've booked your course
Your checklist for a great residential
Ensure you are ready for your Outward Bound course by using this checklist.
Letter to Parents / guardians
A letter template to help you tell parents and guardians about your course
Pupil Kit List
A kit list to help your pupils pack everything they need for their adventure
Participant information form
A guide to help parents and guardians fill in our participant information form
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Visiting Staff Information
A page of useful info for your staff who are coming to Outward Bound
Take a look here
Centre information
Find out more about the centre you are visiting
Take a look here
Safety and insurance
Find out more about our safety and insurance
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Recruitment toolkit
Resources to help encourage your young people to sign up
Take a look here
Information for parents and guardians
All the information they'll need to get their child ready for their adventure
Take a look here
Course resources
Lesson ideas and resources to support the learning pre, during and post course
Take a look here