🚧 Taking Part

The Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award
Partnered by The Outward Bound Trust

Loch eil 1600 group hill
How do I take Part?
  1. Complete the online application form
  2. We'll then register you on our database and you will be sorted into your school applications for consideration.

3. Once we have reviewed all applications from your area, we will be in touch to let you know if you have a place.

  • We fill places in waves throughout the summer so you may not hear anything from us for a while – don’t worry though! An offer of a place may even come in the Autumn term depending on how places are filled in your area.

4. If accepted as a participant or as a reserve - we will send you a link by email to set up an Outward Bound Account. This will contain the medical form which you must complete straight away.

5. When you are confirmed we will also send you a Contract which we will need you to fill in and return to us. At this point we will ask you to confirm your place with payment of a £30 non-refundable administration fee (this is all you have to pay for the whole award)

  • The Admin fee is the only cost to take part
  • We won't ask for your admin fee until nearer the date of your training course
  • We will send you an email confirming receipt of the admin fee and your position of fully confirmed participant. Congratulations!
Loch Eil 1600x800 expedition-canoe

If you are accepted as a participant, but we are then unable to contact you, we may need to give your place to someone else, so please ensure you regularly monitor your e-mail address, or get someone else to do it for you if you are on holiday.

If you are accepted as a participant but decide later that you no longer wish to take part then you must contact us as soon as possible so that we can give your place to someone else. If you do not tell us in time, we may not be able to fill your place and our funder’s money will not be able to be used to help a young person.


Our 2022 residential courses will take place between August and October at the Loch Eil Centre near Fort William. You can see which week you’re likely to be going away for at this page: The Residential. Bear in mind that some schools might be sending people on more than one week, so check carefully – we will email you with your course dates anyway.

Residential dates will be confirmed in June 2022.

If you need more information, please get in touch using the details at the foot of this page.

The dates of the milestone events in the programme depend on which residential course you attend. See the table below for details. Attendance at these events – and at the community project which you will arrange – is compulsory to gain the full Award.

The Project Forum is an evening event, held in Glasgow. You will need to take time out of school to attend your Refresh Day.


Contains participant contract and medical form. This is what you need to fill in once you have applied.

Information for attending the residential course at Loch Eil. You will need to travel to Glasgow to get our coach to Loch Eil. You will be sent another copy of this nearer the date of your residential.

Learning Resources

You need to complete this before your residential.

A printout of the questions in the online logbook.

For your project team meetings

Howtown, Lake District